Louis Adam

Louis Adam

About Me

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Divorced and mummy of little boy! Partner / owner in a young, fast growing maternity, baby and childrens company selling. clothing and products within the industry. Childrens writer and currently working on a series for teenagers and adults.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Good or Bad Writers!

I recently started writing childrens stories. I started a series and also wrote a Christmas story. I was advised by several friends and also some acquaintances to enter a literary competition for short stories. The results were finally announced yesterday and it was so obvious how much of a novice I am as all of the winners have already had books published. I mistakenly thought that the competition was only open to non-published writers and therefore decided to enter. Had I realised that published writers (even the likes of Steven King) could enter I never would have done so! I know I am just learning but it is a real wake up as to how bad I really am.

I think there should be more literary competitions aimed at new writers whom have never had any work published. But, who am I to question but how is a new writer to get started? Any ideas anyone?

Whilst many parents enjoyed reading the stories to their children maybe I aimed the story I entered to the wrong market. Or, maybe childrens stories were not wanted in the competition and I should aim to a much more mature and boring age. Not that adult literature and books are boring, anything but though they do not have the excitement and fun a childrens story has do they?

I now need more people to read my stories I think to see what a wider audience think of them before even considering doing anything more with the stories. Or, maybe I should just give up and forget about it as a bad job and being hopeless at it. Have to think about that one.

It is difficult for someone like me writing a story as unless you can get a publisher to sit up and take notice (I am definately no Steven King or Dean Koontz) I would have to self-publish. But considering this can cost anything up to £1,000 I do not have much hope of that for a very long time.

I can see I am going to have to really think about it At least my little boy Louis Adam seems to enjoy them so I know I am doing something right for him anyway!

Any ideas anyone?